Samarbejdspartnere Mindfulness Foreningen Danmark

Mindfulness Foreningen er interesseret i at etablere samarbejdsrelationer med eksterne aktører.
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European Associations for Mindfulness

The EAMBA network was founded in August 2010 to facilitate dialogue and collaboration between national associations of teachers of MBSR and MBCT and other evidence-based secular mindfulness programs across Europe.

As associations in all participating countries are in different phases – from newly established to present for a number of years, and everything in between – EAMBA is a network in development. The yearly European meetings are meant as a forum for support and exchange about mindfulness teaching and training, with a focus a.o. on best practices, standards and criteria.

The network is guided by the principle that a personal mindfulness practice and personal experience are fundamental to teaching it in different settings. To this end EAMBA also organizes annual meditation retreats for mindfulness teachers.

working in coffee shop



1 marts 2017 har Mindfulness Foreningen indgået officielt samarbejde med LIVSKRAFT og vil deltage med Mindfulness workshop special designet til LIVSKRAFT til deltagerne på sommer camp for kræftramte børn og på søskende camp.

Mindfulness Foreningen var i år inviteret til at lave et oplæg på LIVSKRAFT’s to sommer-Cool Camps for henholdsvis kræftramte unge og deres raske søskende. Disse Cool Camps er baseret på modellen for Terapeutisk Rekreation, hvor det overordnede mål er at øge den unges selvværd, selvtillid og selvstændighed samt at præsentere den unge for strategier til at håndtere og reducere stress. Lone Ross Nylandsted fortæller om sin oplevelse med Cool Camps.